This is our week 1 detailed guide for Preschool.
Theme- Animals
Life Skill- Proper Hand washing
Physical Skill- Walk in a straight line touching toe to heel
Cooking Lesson- Make PB Sandwich
Vocabulary- Letters A,B&C
Reading/Oral Language- Read a book about animals out loud together
Math- Numbers 1-5
Hands on Skill- Trace straight line
Handwriting- letters A,B&C
Craft- Animal Paper Bag Puppets
Introduce new Life Skill: Show child how to properly wash hands. Continue to teach this lesson throughout the rest of the week until it becomes habit.
Handwriting: Show child how to write letters A,B&C. Practice writing these letters together using a dry erase board (or paper/pencil)
Coloring: Color animals together. Practice staying in the lines. Talk about each animal and their sounds as you color.
Physical Skill: Demonstrate how to walk in a straight line touching toe to heel. Have child repeat the action.
Vocab: Worksheet- Find & Circle letters A,B&C on the page. Alternatively you can use pages from a magazine, newspaper, etc.
Math: Count out loud to 5, Worksheet- color groups of animals. Count the animals while coloring.
Reading: Read a book about animals together out loud. Encourage child to repeat sentences or certain words.
Craft: Make animal Paper bag Puppets. [Supplies needed: paper bags, construction paper, glue or glue sticks, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, etc to make faces]
Hands on Skill: Trace straight lines
Cooking lesson: make PB sandwich
Review handwriting, vocab & math lessons from the week.
These are some sites I like for Worksheets:
These are some additional items I'll be purchasing to use as an addition to our curriculum: